Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 96: Gene cloning in organisms other than E. coli
Hofschneider, P. H. (Ed.)
Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 96: Gene cloning in organisms other than E. coli - Berlin Springer-Verlag 1982 - vii, 259p. p.
Immunology ;Microbiology ;Bacillus-Plasmides Phage ;DNA-Bacillus subtilis ;Gene cloning ;Genes-Mammalian cells
579 / HOF
Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 96: Gene cloning in organisms other than E. coli - Berlin Springer-Verlag 1982 - vii, 259p. p.
Immunology ;Microbiology ;Bacillus-Plasmides Phage ;DNA-Bacillus subtilis ;Gene cloning ;Genes-Mammalian cells
579 / HOF