IARC monograph on evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans; vol. 48: Some flame retardants and textile chemicals, and exposures in the textile manufacturing industry
International Agency for Research on Cancer
IARC monograph on evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans; vol. 48: Some flame retardants and textile chemicals, and exposures in the textile manufacturing industry - Lyon 1990 - 345p. p.
Some flame retardants ;Textile chemicals ;Texitile manufacturing industry ;Carcinogenic risks
616.994 / IAR
IARC monograph on evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans; vol. 48: Some flame retardants and textile chemicals, and exposures in the textile manufacturing industry - Lyon 1990 - 345p. p.
Some flame retardants ;Textile chemicals ;Texitile manufacturing industry ;Carcinogenic risks
616.994 / IAR